Saturday, April 18, 2009

Personal Reflection

Wow, I'm actually done this project. Honestly, I'm going to miss it. I really enjoyed posting my thoughts of the reading I had completed from The Lost Garden by Helen Humphreys (even though getting started was hard). It was a great experience posting my own opinions of something on the Internet. I'm probably going to miss this project because it allows our opinions to be viewed and marked in an informal style of writing. Having it available on the Internet is just a bonus, I like having the possible extra time to complete projects without worry.

The only aspect in which I feel like a stronger reader is in the analyzing of the novel I read, this also shows in my writing. I don't feel like I have improved in reading much more than that because I tend to read novels by authors that I get sucked into, emotions and all. I feel as my writing has improved through combining both my opinions, and evidence through quotes from the book. A wider audience made me realize that what I write is important and I really have to believe in what I present.

Before this project I had only tried to read two Canadian authors, those being Heather O'Neill (author of Lullabies for Little Criminals) and Alice Munro (author of Lives of Girls and Women). I loves the O'Neill novel, but I couldn't make it through the one by Munro. I really enjoyed Helen Humphreys novel, and in the future I plan to try and read more Canadian novels.

What I have learned about myself is that I like to change up the type of projects I have. This was a great learning experience, I have already explained what I have learned so I don't want to waste anymore time on that subject. Basically I'm glad we did this project, it was a nice change from journal entries and formal essays.

Thanks Mrs. Walker, for the chance to try this new form of learning. It was great.

1 comment:

  1. Good work. You have understood the purpose of the ISU and added to your own learning experience. Good work.
    (And you're welcome - I wasn't too sure about trying blogs myself when we started, but I am pleased with the results.)
