Monday, February 16, 2009


The lead character's name, in the book I have chosen to read, is Gwen Davis. She is a British Horticulturalist that voluntarily leaves her home in London for a position in growing crops for soldiers in Canada.

(In Canada) She is faced with a group of stubborn, and rebellious women that were forced to take part in her gardening adventure.To deal with this bunch she had to rediscover how to deal with others in a respectful manner, as she had been holed up by herself in a laboratory and strayed away from people in her spare time. Based on this fact, the development of her character is well played out.

Her insecurity shows through when trying to order the girls into completing the tasks at hand, this is of course met by refusal on their part as they could care less about gardening and just want to have fun with soldiers up the road. In respecting their needs for social activity she and the soldier’s captain (Raley) plan to hold dances and picnics in order to keep them satisfied. This shows that she is able and willing to keep them happy as she understands that most of them did not get the chance to decide to take part in this as she did herself. She is caring, and very passionate about gardening which is very apparent in regards to her career and how she carries on with the girls.

In regards to having allies in this new land, that help her deal with the group of girls she has two: the Canadian officer, Raley, and Jane, a woman who is awaiting the safe return of her fiancée. Jane continuously attempts to help Gwen overcome her insecurities by helping her deal with the group of girls who refuse to work under her (Gwen's) instructions.

I'm sure that as the book progresses Jane will have tapped into feelings that Gwen never knew she was capable of dealing with in regards to her insecurity.


  1. I like it, I like it!
    I really liked how you described the main character, but I found the brackets slightly confusing, as well as the comma's in the forth paragraph.
    Overall, very good job, dear.

  2. Needs quotations and more of your own opinion.
